How To Reduce Cost Of Your Start-up Business
Publish on 20 Mar 2021

How To Reduce Cost Of Your Start-up Business

Reducing costs and maximizing profits – these two things are what an entrepreneur or the owner of a small business company aims to achieve. If you can reduce the amount of money and other resources spent during the initial days, you will increase your profit significantly. In reality, you can take your start-up business to the top simply by reducing expenses. Then again, you have to do it the right way. If you’re wondering what “the right way” is, you should keep reading this write-up. You’ll find that there are several “right ways” of reducing start-up expenses.


1. Consider your priorities:

There isn’t much you’ll need to start with. Just a piece of paper and pen should do the trick. Once you have the stationery, pen down everything contributing to your business costs. Now, prepare a table and categorize the expenses based on business importance in descending order. The investments that don’t yield much are worth taking off the list. So, take them off. Just make sure that you don’t omit something mission-critical by mistake.


2. Price negotiations:

Negotiation has always been a must-have skill for business owners who want to keep on climbing the never-ending ladder of success. You need to develop this skill too. Whenever you have to purchase something for your start-up business, you should never hesitate to negotiate the prices with your vendors or suppliers. It’s an excellent method of cost reduction.


3. Buy second-hand equipment:

An office or workplace of any kind can’t just have several tables, chairs, a stack of papers, and other office stationery. You’ll need computers, printing machines, and whatnot. You can cut corners in this matter by opting for second-hand office equipment. However, don’t forget to check the functionality of the items to ensure they’re usable. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending more than you want to.


4. Use the power of discounts:

What’s the ultimate purpose of opening and running a business? It’s all about making sales, right? So, what’s the best way to achieve this objective? You can increase sales significantly by offering discounts on the merchandise or services. Now, you may argue that this strategy will prove counterproductive. After all, a start-up business needs every penny it can earn. So, before you make yourself eligible enough to offer price rebates, you should purchase products at discounted rates. For this tactic to work, you must keep your eyes open to grab every opportunity as it arrives.


5. Making deferred payments:

You must try to implement a deferred payment system in your entrepreneurial venture. Whenever you purchase something from your vendors or suppliers, you should try to persuade them to agree to deferred payments. It means you will be paying for everything after thirty days of delivery.


6. Take trial runs:

Numerous start-up businesses spread across the world typically offer a trial run to their clients. It means these business owners allow their patrons to test their product or service before buying it. It’s an excellent strategy that works in favour of the business owners by increasing their customer base. You should try to grab this opportunity whenever it crosses your path. No matter what you do, hold on to such prospects as tightly as you can. Speak to your suppliers and request them to allow you a trial of six months or a year to reduce your expenses.


7. Communication expenses:

As long as you have the internet, you won’t have to resort to pricey communication systems. The world of the web is probably the most powerful tool of communication today. In reality, it’s the only thing you’ll need to establish conversations with your clients or suppliers. So, use it to cut communication costs. Ditch the telephone and shift to the internet. You can use platforms like Skype to communicate with customers and suppliers alike. You can also utilize free email services offered by Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook, etc. Apart from these, Imo, WhatsApp, and Viber should also do the trick. You may even find a couple of buyers and suppliers who want to communicate via these platforms only.


8. Office space sharing:

Entrepreneurs usually don’t have enough in their pockets or bank accounts to purchase office space. They also struggle to put up with monthly rental expenses, but there’s a solution. You should think about sharing the office space. It will benefit you in multiple ways. For instance, apart from cost reduction, it will let you expand your business relationships. You may even find the perfect complementary partner in the bargain.


9. Analyze lease vs. acquisition:

As already mentioned earlier, small business firms will face financial issues. The more fortunate ones can escape unscathed, but everyone is aware of the ruthlessness of Lady Luck. Business owners need to take their time and allocate their funds with the utmost care to keep their business and start-up operations afloat. However, these people often experience problems while deciding on equipment acquisition or leasing. In terms of the costs associated with running a start-up firm, both options have specific advantages and disadvantages. If you’re facing the same dilemma, you should research the matter thoroughly.


10. Choose internees:

Finally, you should think about hiring internees and working with freelancers for your business, at least during the initial stages. There’s no point in hiring professional employees when you or your business isn’t financially stable enough to sustain them. Besides, hiring full-time workers is also costlier. Fresh college graduates, internees, and freelancers can support you. You’ll get what you need, and, in return, you bestow valuable work experience upon them.


Final words

As you can see, there are more than enough ways to cut start-up expenses without affecting your bottom line or trifling with the quality of the goods or services you provide. However, these aren’t the only things you can do. For instance, you can curtail marketing expenses by using social media platforms. You can also resort to affiliate marketing and outsource your accountancy tasks. The nature of your business indeed differs from others. Naturally, everything boils down to the expenses you recognize as mandatory and the ones you don’t. Now, you need to take the lead. Follow the guidelines mentioned here and experience the difference. 

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